Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Couldn't do it.  Juuuuust couldn't do it. 

After a nice long breath of fresh air in the United States of America, I itched to fly off again.  Something about the airport and massive jets escorting people to foreign adventures gets me in an excited and can't sit still tizzy.  Not to mention that Houston, TX boasts about 1.5 non-food consumption activities to accomplish. 

So, as one does after quitting one's job and travelling aimlessly for 3 months, I, most wisely, booked another flight across the seas to America's old near and dear (yet sometimes pissed off at us) bestest friend:  the hills, beaches and monuments of Europa Europa. 

First three weeks: ITALIA.  Firenze and Lago di Como to be exact.
Last two weeks: Where the wild wind takes flighty souls.  (Eventually turned out to be Geneva and Paris!)

This time, I forgot the whole "I am one, I am bold, I will find myself....or nothing....I need no one".  Hell no.  This time, I frolicked with the gals.  Two gal pals as jobless, giggly and as some debbie downers might claim, out of their minds as yours truly.

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